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HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2335 All-in-One USB Printer, Scanner and Copier

Product ID: HPDSKJT2335

P 6,100.00 only

Select Payment Method:
Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Card

Condition: Brand-New

Warranty: 10 months

Shipping: Free

Delivery: 5 days to 3 weeks

Descriptions or Specifications:
It can be used as a Printer, Scanner or a Copier. It uses USB 2.0 cable to connect computer to printer and compatible with Windows 10 or latest. Print Resolution: For black it is up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi and for colored it is up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi. Scan Resolution: Up to 1200 dpi BIT DEPTH 24-bit SCAN SIZE. Copy Resolution: Up to 600 x 300 dpi. What Is In The Box: HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2335 Printer; HP 682 Setup Black Cartridge; HP 682 Setup Tri-color Cartridge; Regulatory flyer; Setup guide; Reference guide; Power cord, USB cable, and Printer Software.

Customer Feedback and Product Rating

User Name: Jamesway

Date: 05-11-2021 02:00:03 PM

Excellent and astonishing! It is a 3 in 1 device it can function as printer, a scanner or a copier!

Copyrighted© 2020-2025 by Osborx Information Technology Service, all rights reserved

HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2335 All-in-One USB Printer, Scanner and Copier
Product ID: HPDSKJT2335

P 6,100.00 only
Select Payment Method:
Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Card


10 months


5 days to 3 weeks

Condition: Brand-New

Warranty: 10 months

Shipping: Free

Delivery: 5 days to 3 weeks

Descriptions or Specifications:
It can be used as a Printer, Scanner or a Copier. It uses USB 2.0 cable to connect computer to printer and compatible with Windows 10 or latest. Print Resolution: For black it is up to 1200 x 1200 rendered dpi and for colored it is up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi. Scan Resolution: Up to 1200 dpi BIT DEPTH 24-bit SCAN SIZE. Copy Resolution: Up to 600 x 300 dpi. What Is In The Box: HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2335 Printer; HP 682 Setup Black Cartridge; HP 682 Setup Tri-color Cartridge; Regulatory flyer; Setup guide; Reference guide; Power cord, USB cable, and Printer Software.
Customer Feedback and Product Rating

User Name: Jamesway

Date: 05-11-2021 02:00:03 PM

Excellent and astonishing! It is a 3 in 1 device it can function as printer, a scanner or a copier!

Copyrighted© 2020-2025 by Osborx Information Technology Service, all rights reserved